Friday, June 30, 2006
New Pastime:

Saturday, June 10, 2006
Preemptive self-outing.
Well, I was sure it would happen eventually, and now that "Armando" at DailyKos has had his true identity revealed, I knew I would probably be next. In truth, because of my importance, I should have come before Armando, but one allows for a certain amount randomness in these things before one gets too worked up.
When visiting this site, I'm sure many of you have thought: "Who is this brilliant person posting so very brilliantly???" Or likely you thought: "There can only be a handful of people in the entire universe with such incredible understanding and brain power!!!! He must be an extremely important man of science, and probably a SUPER-GENIUS to boot!!!" And so I realize now that by allowing my brilliance to flow so freely, and not dumbing down my posts to the level of at least above-average human beings, I've made it almost impossible for someone with even the slightest knowledge of the greatest achievements in science not to put two and two together and recognize my true identity.
So rather than wait for some troll at Science or Nature to out me, I'll do it myself.
That's right, it's true: I'm David Baltimore.
Well, that's a relief not to have to hide behind a pseudonym anymore!
All the best,
When visiting this site, I'm sure many of you have thought: "Who is this brilliant person posting so very brilliantly???" Or likely you thought: "There can only be a handful of people in the entire universe with such incredible understanding and brain power!!!! He must be an extremely important man of science, and probably a SUPER-GENIUS to boot!!!" And so I realize now that by allowing my brilliance to flow so freely, and not dumbing down my posts to the level of at least above-average human beings, I've made it almost impossible for someone with even the slightest knowledge of the greatest achievements in science not to put two and two together and recognize my true identity.
So rather than wait for some troll at Science or Nature to out me, I'll do it myself.
That's right, it's true: I'm David Baltimore.
Well, that's a relief not to have to hide behind a pseudonym anymore!
All the best,
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
O.K., I see now that that was lame...
...but I'm against, in general, deleting lame shit from your blog after you've had a chance to think it over, or sober up, or re-medicate, or God forbid, spell check.
So that last haiku is just another piece of crap I'm gonna have to discuss with St. Peter.
He's gonna be all: "Dude, come'on. You were fucked up. Don't bullshit me, I've heard it from the best."
And I'll be like: "No, really man, I was being totally poetic! Can't you see the lighthearted, carefree humor?"
An' St. Peter's gonna be all: " I see you were toasted, dude. NEXT!"
Sheeee-it. What an asshole. Fuck St. Peter.
So that last haiku is just another piece of crap I'm gonna have to discuss with St. Peter.
He's gonna be all: "Dude, come'on. You were fucked up. Don't bullshit me, I've heard it from the best."
And I'll be like: "No, really man, I was being totally poetic! Can't you see the lighthearted, carefree humor?"
An' St. Peter's gonna be all: " I see you were toasted, dude. NEXT!"
Sheeee-it. What an asshole. Fuck St. Peter.