FeeER ME pewwwNY HOO-mooNS!!!!

I Am KAC teH KIllEr AnDroyyD ChIPMunK!!! FerST I WilL SmITe jEXter. THen wITH My laAAAzzzeR Beeem i i i -s aND mY Whored OF iMPlaCAbLE NaNObOts I wiLL CrUSh yU aND TakE OveR TeH InTERnets!!! SoON TEH HOle Wurld WiLl Be RUUULLd bY SmalL RoDEnT MAmmmles!!!!
BwWAAAA Hhhhaa [chipchip] haHAHHHAHHH [chip] BwaHHHHAHAAA!!! [chip]
YOOorrs trewlY,
KAC and teh Implacables